The election of a moderate Democratic administration led many Americans to believe that the authoritarian and austere days of Reagan and Bush were behind them, but in point of fact there was little real change in foreign or domestic policy. A major new treaty called NAFTA and a major new institution called the World Trade Organization signaled the overt march of corporate globalization. Black ops and false flag events were seized upon to bulk up the police state while bombing campaigns and sanctions led to the deaths of over half a million civilians in Iraq and elsewhere.
President: George Bush (R) [322]
Vice President: Dan Quayle (R)
Secretary of Defense: Dick Cheney
Secretary of State: James Baker
National Security Advisor: Brent Scowcroft
Secretary of Treasury: Nicholas Brady
Fed. Chair: Alan Greenspan
NSA Director: William Studeman
FBI Director: William Sessions
CIA Director: William Webster
CIA Deputy Director: Richard Kerr
DIA Director: Harry Soyster
NRO Director: Martin Faga
Joint Chiefs Chair: Colin Powell
Following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, the U.S. leads a coalition force against Iraq in Operation Desert Storm. U.S. technological supremacy brings coalition forces a swift and decisive victory.
Public support for an invasion of Iraq is ambivalent until the widely publicized testimony of "Nurse Nayirah" who describes seeing Iraqi soldiers take premature babies from their incubators in a Kuwaiti hospital and leave them to die. Nayirah, whose full identity it is said must be kept secret for the safety of her family, turns out to be the Kuwaiti ambassador's daughter. Her entire story is fake, and she has received coaching from the U.S. public relations firm Hill & Knowlton, for which they are paid $10 million.
Concerned about the impact that images of dead soldiers and civilians had on the American public during the Vietnam War, the Pentagon carries out a campaign to restrict and censor media coverage of the Gulf War as described in a memo titled "Annex Foxtrot".
On September 11th, before a Joint Session of Congress, President Bush lays out his vision for a new world order.
The Acton Institute, a conservative think tank, is founded.
Meir Kahane, a Zionist rabbi and leader of the right-wing terrorist Jewish Defense League is assassinated by El Sayyid Nosair, an Egyptian-American radical trained by CIA/FBI/Green Beret/Al-Qaeda asset Ali Mohamed. Nosair will be acquitted in the killing before going on to participate in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.
The CIA launches Operation MIAS in an attempt to recover Stinger missiles given to the Mujahideen during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. The mission is an overwhelming failure, leaving hundreds of the weapons in the hands of Islamic warlords and militants.
A grand jury is convened to investigate charges that Larry King is running a child prostitution ring for elite clients. King is declared incompetent to stand trial while children who were prepared to testify against him are intimidated by the FBI. Investigator Gary Caradori is killed along with his eight-year-old son when their plane mysteriously breaks apart over Illinois. Various other witnesses and family members of witnesses also "commit suicide".
In Belgium, two F-16 fighter jets are scrambled to chase down triangular UFOs. The UFOs are confirmed by radar from both the ground and the jets and are witnessed by over 13,500 people. The jets are unable to catch up with the UFOs.
General Electric is convicted of defrauding the Department of Defense.
Michael Milken, the billionaire who largely invented high-yield bonds (junk bonds) pleads guilty to various financial crimes.
The Phineas Priesthood, a militant right-wing white supremacist ideology, is formulated.
President: George Bush (R) [322]
Vice President: Dan Quayle (R)
Secretary of Defense: Dick Cheney
Secretary of State: James Baker
National Security Advisor: Brent Scowcroft
Secretary of Treasury: Nicholas Brady
Fed. Chair: Alan Greenspan
NSA Director: William Studeman
FBI Director: William Sessions
*CIA Director: Robert Gates
CIA Deputy Director: Richard Kerr
*DIA Director: James Clapper
NRO Director: Martin Faga
Joint Chiefs Chair: Colin Powell
The Soviet Union collapses, leaving the United States as the world's sole military and economic superpower.
The Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) shuts down amidst a scandal over a massive money laundering operation and other financial crimes.
An oil tanker owned by Amoco explodes near Genoa, Italy and kills six crew members while flooding the Mediterranean with up to 50,000 tonnes of crude oil.
The Yugoslav Wars begin, in which Yugoslavia fragments into a number of smaller republics. Some 140,000 people will lose their lives in a conflict marked by genocide and other war crimes. NATO intervenes in various parts of the conflict, sometimes alongside the Kosovo Liberation Army, a terrorist drug-running organization with links to Al-Qaeda.
U.S. airstrikes on oil tankers and other sources contribute to the Gulf War oil spill. Between 270,000 and 820,000 tonnes of oil are spilled, making it one of the worst spills in history.
Over 100 Navy and Marine officers are accused of sexual assault in the Tailhook Scandal.
A CIA-backed coup removes Haiti's first democratically-elected president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, from office.
Occultist and historian Ioan Culianu is assassinated by parties unknown in a bathroom at the University of Chicago.
Journalist Danny Casolaro is found dead of an apparent suicide while working on an investigation tying together the Inslaw case, the Iran-Contra scandal, Bush's October Surprise, and BCCI.
The Employment Policies Institute, a right-wing think tank, is founded.
The Milken Institute, a market think tank, is founded by Michael Milken, the billionaire who largely invented high-yield bonds (junk bonds) and who pled guilty in 1990 to various financial crimes.
President: George Bush (R) [322]
Vice President: Dan Quayle (R)
Secretary of Defense: Dick Cheney
*Secretary of State: Lawrence Eagleburger
National Security Advisor: Brent Scowcroft
Secretary of Treasury: Nicholas Brady
Fed. Chair: Alan Greenspan
*NSA Director: John McConnell
FBI Director: William Sessions
CIA Director: Robert Gates
*CIA Deputy Director: William Studeman
DIA Director: James Clapper
NRO Director: Martin Faga
Joint Chiefs Chair: Colin Powell
Panamanian dictator and CIA asset Manuel Noriega is tried in the U.S. for drug trafficking, racketeering, and money laundering.
Journalist Manuel de Dios Unanue is assassinated in New York, allegedly on the orders of Cali cartel boss José Santacruz Londoño.
Following the acquittal of several police officers in the Rodney King police brutality trial, widespread riots break out in Los Angeles. The National Guard is brought in. 53 people are killed and over 2,000 are injured in the course of the riots.
At Ruby Ridge in Idaho, the FBI, ATF, and U.S. Marshals Service raid the home of Randy Weaver to confiscate illegal firearms. Weaver's wife and son are killed during the ensuing shootout, along with a U.S. Marshal.
The False Memory Syndrome Foundation is created by accused pedophile Peter Freyd and his wife. The organization invents the term "false memory syndrome" and, despite the lack of scientific recognition of any such syndrome, launches a major PR campaign to discredit not only their own child, but children across the country who have accused either their parents or institutions of abusing them. The organization gains thousands of members, mostly other accused pedophiles.
Li Hongzhi founds the Falun Gong spiritual practice in China. It will eventually spread worldwide. Following a 1999 crackdown on practitioners by the Chinese government, many are forced to practice in secret.
The Earth Liberation Front is founded.
An oil tanker accident off the coast of Spain spills 74,000 tonnes of oil into the Aegean Sea.
An oil well blowout in Uzbekistan leaks 285,000 tonnes of oil, one of the worst spills in history.
*President: Bill Clinton (D)
*Vice President: Al Gore (D)
*Secretary of Defense: Leslie Aspin
*Secretary of State: Warren Christopher
*National Security Advisor: Anthony Lake
*Secretary of Treasury: Lloyd Bentsen [33]
Fed. Chair: Alan Greenspan
NSA Director: John McConnell
*FBI Director: Louis Freeh
*CIA Director: Robert Woolsey
CIA Deputy Director: William Studeman
DIA Director: James Clapper
NRO Director: Martin Faga
*Joint Chiefs Chair: John Shalikashvili
The ATF, FBI, and Texas National Guard raid a ranch near Waco, Texas, used as a headquarters by a religious group called the Branch Davidians. Authorities claim members of the group own illegal weapons. A firefight and multi-week standoff ensue. A fire breaks out on the ranch after authorities fire pyrotechnic devices into the building, killing over 80 men, women, and children. Evidence also indicates that authorities fired on people attempting to flee the burning building.
The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act is signed into law, creating federal background checks on handgun purchasers.
The World Trade Center is bombed by Muslim extremists. The terrorists had received training from CIA and FBI asset Ali Mohamed, and were provided with explosives by FBI informant Emad Salem, who recorded himself discussing this fact with the head of the FBI New York office. Seven people are killed and over a thousand are injured.
Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster is found dead in a park in Virginia of an apparent suicide. Limited evidence exists suggesting that he was either murdered or that he committed suicide elsewhere and his body was moved. Some of this evidence, however, may have been fabricated by political opponents of the Clintons.
The CIA announces that over the past decade Israel has secretly sold $8-10 billion worth of U.S. military technology to China.
Kuwaiti officials arrest a group of men allegedly plotting to assassinate former President Bush on behalf of Saddam Hussein. President Clinton orders 23 Tomahawk cruise missiles fired into Iraq in response.
OB/GYN doctor David Gunn is assassinated by anti-abortion terrorist Michael Griffin.
The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) begins in Alaska. Purportedly a project to study the ionosphere, its high-powered radio array has long been the suspected to also function as an exotic weapon platform, although hard evidence for such claims is limited.
The James Baker Institute is founded. Officially a non-partisan think tank, it hosts the Chevron Excellence in Leadership Energy Lecture Series, the Shell Distinguished Lecture Series, and for some years awards the Enron Prize for Distinguished Public Service.
Philip Morris creates the Advancement of Sound Science Center to circulate misinformation intended to counter the recent EPA classification of second-hand smoke as a carcinogen, and to lobby in Congress on behalf of the tobacco industry.
Four children are killed and over 700 other people are sickened by E. coli-contaminated hamburgers from restaurant chain Jack in the Box.
A barge collision into an improperly designed railroad bridge near Mobile, Alabama results in one of the worst train wrecks in history. 47 are killed and 103 others are injured.
An oil tanker runs aground in Scotland spilling 85,000 tonnes of oil.
President: Bill Clinton (D)
Vice President: Al Gore (D)
*Secretary of Defense: William Perry
Secretary of State: Warren Christopher
National Security Advisor: Anthony Lake
Secretary of Treasury: Lloyd Bentsen [33]
Fed. Chair: Alan Greenspan
NSA Director: John McConnell
FBI Director: Louis Freeh
CIA Director: Robert Woolsey
CIA Deputy Director: William Studeman
DIA Director: James Clapper
*NRO Director: Jeffrey Harris
Joint Chiefs Chair: John Shalikashvili
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), a treaty between Candada, the U.S., and Mexico, comes into effect. Corporations are given the power to ignore labor and environmental laws, and the Mexican constitution is changed to take communal land rights away from poor farmers. Substantial monetary gains are made by the wealthiest members of all three countries while the number of people living in severe poverty in Mexico doubles.
In response to NAFTA, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) rises up in Chiapas, Mexico.
Northrop Grumman, an aerospace and defense corporation, is founded.
In the Rwandan Genocide, up to a million Tutsis are killed by the Hutus.
John Britton, the physician who replaced murdered OB/GYN David Gunn, is himself murdered by another anti-abortion terrorist, Paul Hill. Hill is an affiliate of the secretive Army of God.
Anti-abortion terrorist John Salvi shoots two receptionists and wounds five others at two Planned Parenthood clinics in Massachusetts. He is later found dead in prison with a plastic bag around his head.
The Discovery Institute, a conservative Christian think tank, is formed for the primary purpose of promoting Creationism in science classes in public high schools.
The Center for the National Interest (originally the Nixon Center for Peace and Freedom), a right-wing think tank, is formed.
Volksfront, a white supremacist organization, is formed.
62 school children in Zimbabwe describe seeing two UFOs land near their school. According to the children, two occupants emerged and telepathically communicated them a warning about the environmental hazards faced by the planet. 15 years later, a documentarian will track down the children, and every one of them sticks to their story. Many of them are pursuing careers related to environmental conservation.
President: Bill Clinton (D)
Vice President: Al Gore (D)
Secretary of Defense: William Perry
Secretary of State: Warren Christopher
National Security Advisor: Anthony Lake
*Secretary of Treasury: Robert Rubin
Fed. Chair: Alan Greenspan
NSA Director: John McConnell
FBI Director: Louis Freeh
*CIA Director: John Deutch
*CIA Deputy Director: George Tenet
*DIA Director: Kenneth Minihan
NRO Director: Jeffrey Harris
Joint Chiefs Chair: John Shalikashvili
The Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City is bombed. 168 people are killed and over 680 are injured. A federal investigation finds that the explosion was the result of a truck bomb left by Timothy McVeigh, with help from Terry Nichols and Michael and Lori Fortier. Bomb experts including General Benton Partin disagree, and local news footage seems to confirm that additional bombs were found inside the building. These facts, the fact that an unknown individual seen with McVeigh the day of the bombing is never found, the apparent simultaneous failure of numerous security cameras in the area of the bombing, the fortuitous absence of many federal agents from the Murrah building during the bombing, and many other anomalous facts suggest that the official story of the attack cannot be true.
A series of terrorist attacks known as the Bonjinka Plot are disrupted. Part of the plot includes a plan to fly a plane into the headquarters of the CIA.
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin is assassinated by Yigal Amir, a right-wing Israeli radical. Amir had been encouraged to carry out the assassination by Avishai Raviv, an agent provocateur working for Shin Bet.
The World Trade Organization replaces the General Agreement on Trades and Tariffs to continue paving the way for corporate globalization.
The UN begins the Oil-for-Food Programme in Iraq at the behest of Bill Clinton. Although it it supposed to ease the burden on Iraqi civilians from sanctions, half a million Iraqis, mostly children, will die from easily preventable causes while Clinton is in office. In addition to being largely ineffective at its stated goals, the program is plagued by corruption.
NATO carries out a bombing campaign called Operation Deliberate Force while allied Bosnian and Croatian forces carry out a linked military action called Operation Mistral against Bosnian Serbs led by Radislav Krstić and Ratko Mladić.
Aerospace and defense corporation Lockheed Martin is formed through a merger of Lockheed Corporation and Martin Marietta.
The Senate Whitewater Committee investigates allegations of corruption in certain real estate investments made by Bill and Hillary Clinton in the 1970's and 80's. The Clinton's business associate Susan McDougal is eventually sentenced to prison for contempt of court for refusing to answer questions about the matter, but is pardoned by President Clinton just before he leaves office.
Under the auspices of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline tests the toxicity of HIV medications on children in an orphanage in New York.
President: Bill Clinton (D)
Vice President: Al Gore (D)
Secretary of Defense: William Perry
Secretary of State: Warren Christopher
National Security Advisor: Anthony Lake
Secretary of Treasury: Robert Rubin
Fed. Chair: Alan Greenspan
*NSA Director: Kenneth Minihan
FBI Director: Louis Freeh
CIA Director: John Deutch
CIA Deputy Director: George Tenet
*DIA Director: Patrick Hughes
NRO Director: Jeffrey Harris
*NGA Director: Joseph Dantone, Jr.
Joint Chiefs Chair: John Shalikashvili
The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency is formed.
An 81-day standoff between the FBI and the Montana Freemen ends peacefully when the Christian Patriot group surrenders.
The U.K. suffers a major outbreak of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (better known as Mad Cow Disease) which soon spreads to other countries, including the U.S.
An oil tanker runs aground near Wales spilling 40,000 to 72,000 tonnes of oil.
MKULTRA subject Ted Kaczynski (aka The Unabomber) is arrested following a bombing campaign which had killed three and injured 23 others.
The Centennial Olympic Park in Georgia is bombed during the Summer Olympics by anti-gay and anti-abortion terrorist Eric Rudolph. It is the first of four bombings he will carry out, which will ultimately kill two people and injure at least 150 others.
Former CIA Director William Colby dies in an apparent boating accident.
The Khobar Towers complex in Saudi Arabia, while being used as barracks for U.S. troops, is bombed. 19 Air Force Personnel are killed and 372 other people are injured. Saudi, Iranian, and Al-Qaeda militants have variously been blamed for the attack.
Former President of Afghanistan Mohammad Najibullah is executed by the Taliban.
Following Iraqi aggression against Iraqi Kurdistan, the U.S. carries out Operation Desert Strike, a missile strike against Iraq.
Rwanda invades Zaire in the First Congo War, a brutal conflict in which somewhere around a million people are killed or go missing.
The New Democrat Network, a centrist Democratic think tank, is formed.
Dolly the Sheep becomes the first cloned mammal.
Alien abduction and mind control researcher Karla Turner dies at age 48 of a sudden, fast-acting cancer.
President: Bill Clinton (D)
Vice President: Al Gore (D)
*Secretary of Defense: William Cohen
*Secretary of State: Madeline Albright
*National Security Advisor: Samuel Berger
Secretary of Treasury: Robert Rubin
Fed. Chair: Alan Greenspan
NSA Director: Kenneth Minihan
FBI Director: Louis Freeh
*CIA Director: George Tenet
*CIA Deputy Director: John Gordon
DIA Director: Patrick Hughes
*NRO Director: Keith Hall
NGA Director: Joseph Dantone, Jr.
*Joint Chiefs Chair: Hugh Shelton
The Project for the New American Century, a neoconservative think tank, is founded. One year before the 9/11 attacks, they will publish a document entitled Rebuilding America's Defences which calls for a massive military build up and an invasion of the Middle East and Central Asia to secure oil and gas reserves. The document notes that the American people are unlikely to support such an intervention "absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event- like a new Pearl Harbor".
The military-science fiction television series Stargate SG-1 is released with support from the Pentagon. The plot of the show centers around interactions with aliens once worshiped as gods by the Ancient Egyptians. Strangely, the military and intelligence community had recently concluded a multi-decade project called Stargate which tested the possibility of using various psychic powers for military purposes. A significant figure in the Stargate project was a man named Andrija Puharich who believed he was in contact with alien entities once worshiped as gods in Ancient Egypt.
The FBI implements Carnivore, a program allowing them to monitor all Internet activities of targeted individuals.
Bayer and three other pharmaceutical companies agree to pay $660 million to over 6,000 hemophiliac patients who received HIV-tainted blood products. In the 1980's, after it was discovered that a heat-treatment process was needed to make blood products safe, companies had continued to sell old, untreated products to Asian and Latin American markets.
Mercenary corporation Blackwater is founded.
Military and intelligence contractor L-3 Communications is founded.
Princess Diana is killed in a car crash in Paris. Numerous accusations of a conspiracy to murder her have arisen, notably from Egyptian billionaire Mohamed Al-Fayed. Al-Fayed is the father of Dodi Fayed, Diana's boyfriend who was also killed in the crash.
The United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia, a right-wing paramilitary group, use chainsaws and machetes to butcher around 30 civilians in Mapiripán, Colombia. Leaders of the death squad were trained to target civilian supporters of insurgent groups at the School of the Americas.
The Heaven's Gate cult commits mass suicide in hopes of salvation via a UFO supposedly hiding behind the Hale-Bopp comet. The presence of this UFO had just been announced on the Coast to Coast radio show by Courtney Brown, a Ph.D. professor at Emory University, and self-professed psychic who had worked on the Stargate Project, a government-sponsored remote viewing program. In a further twist, the cult had been renting their mansion from Sam Koutchesfahani, an FBI informant involved in secretly and illegally infiltrating Middle Easterners into the country.
Thousands of people witness formations of lights and massive, chevron-shaped craft soaring silently over parts of Arizona and New Mexico. Shortly afterwards, Arizona Governor Fife Symington holds a press conference in which he announced that they have found the culprit and brings one of his staff on stage wearing an alien costume. Later Symington will admit to having seen "otherworldly" craft himself and explain that he held the tongue-in-cheek press event merely to diffuse public tensions.
President: Bill Clinton (D)
Vice President: Al Gore (D)
Secretary of Defense: William Cohen
Secretary of State: Madeline Albright
National Security Advisor: Samuel Berger
Secretary of Treasury: Robert Rubin
Fed. Chair: Alan Greenspan
NSA Director: Kenneth Minihan
FBI Director: Louis Freeh
CIA Director: George Tenet
CIA Deputy Director: John Gordon
DIA Director: Patrick Hughes
NRO Director: Keith Hall
NGA Director: James King
Joint Chiefs Chair: Hugh Shelton
American embassies in Tanzania and Kenya are bombed, killing 224 and injuring over 4,000. Al-Qaeda and the Egyptian Islamic Jihad are blamed, although some of the bombers received training from CIA/FBI asset and Green Beret Ali Mohamed.
Two students in Columbine, Colorado carry out the deadliest high school massacre in American history. They kill 13 and injure 21 more before ending their own lives.
Physician Barnett Slepian is assassinated by anti-abortion terrorist James Kopp. Kopp is affiliated with a militant Roman Catholic group known as the Lambs of Christ.
In an incident designated Moonlight Maze, a cyber-attack of allegedly Russian origin targets The Pentagon, NASA, the Department of Energy, and other organizations.
Catholic priest Alfred Kunz is murdered in Wisconsin. Kunz had been investigating both child abuse within the church and a local cult linked with cattle mutilation at the time he was killed. The murder remains unsolved despite a costly investigation.
Nine African nations and some 20 different militant groups participate in the Second Congo War, which is the deadliest conflict since World War II. Although it formally ends in 2003, around a thousand people a day continue to die for years to come. By 2008 the death toll has reached 5,400,000. Although many factors led to the conflict, one of the biggest is control of gold, diamonds, and rare earth elements used for high-tech consumer goods.
Google is founded.

The International Space Station is launched.
President: Bill Clinton (D)
Vice President: Al Gore (D)
Secretary of Defense: William Cohen
Secretary of State: Madeline Albright
National Security Advisor: Samuel Berger
*Secretary of Treasury: Lawrence Summers
Fed. Chair: Alan Greenspan
*NSA Director: Michael Hayden
FBI Director: Louis Freeh
CIA Director: George Tenet
CIA Deputy Director: John Gordon
*DIA Director: Thomas Wilson
NRO Director: Keith Hall
NGA Director: James King
Joint Chiefs Chair: Hugh Shelton
The U.S. begins Plan Colombia, a massive military and economic aid program to Colombia, despite laws against providing military aid to governments with severe human rights abuse records. The plan is supposedly aimed at combating the drug trade, but both the volume and profits from Colombian cocaine trafficking only increase after the plan is implemented. Part of the plan involves DynCorp mercenaries dusting the countryside with a super-strength version of Monsanto's Roundup to destroy coca crops. The dusting also destroys the food crops of many peasants while causing numerous health problems and is often centered around Colombia's many oil pipelines, which supply a great deal of oil to America, and in which soon-to-be President Bush is heavily invested. Meanwhile, newly armed and supplied right-wing death squads continue to terrorize the population.
Two whistle-blowers independently reveal that DynCorp is involved in sex trafficking in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
John F. Kennedy, Jr. dies in a plane crash along with his wife and her sister. Although Kennedy was a competent pilot, his last radio communications were calm, and radar indicates that he was flying at the proper altitude and speed, news reports citing "unnamed sources" immediately spring up spreading misinformation about these and other facts relating to the crash.
A series of apartment bombings in Russia kill 293 and injure over 1,000. Former FSB agent Alexander Litvinenko and journalist Anna Politkovskaya, among others, claim that the bombings are a false flag operation carried out by the Russian government to justify an invasion of Chechnya. Both will be murdered in 2006.
A major round of World Trade Organization trade talks is shut down in Seattle, Washington by the largest anti-corporate-globalization demonstration to date. 157 protesters are arrested without probably cause or hard evidence for which they are eventually awarded $250,000 in compensation.
NATO bombs Yugoslavia in Operation Allied Force. During the bombing, five U.S. guided bombs hit the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, killing three and wounding at least 20 others. Clinton calls the strike a mistake and apologizes, but Chinese officials consider it a deliberate attack.
In-Q-Tel is launched as a venture capital firm to invest in high-tech companies to keep the CIA and other intelligence agencies equipped with the most cutting-edge technology available.
Exxon and Mobil merge to form ExxonMobil, the third largest corporation in the world.
A group of high-ranking French military officers and aerospace officials issue the COMETA Report, which states that approximately 5% of UFO sightings are conventionally inexplicable and that the best hypothesis to explain them is that they are of extraterrestrial origin.
The Center for Economic and Policy Research, a progressive think tank, is founded. It will be one of only a few groups to accurately predict the collapse of the housing bubble and subsequent recession in the mid-to-late-2000's.
The International Intellectual Property Institute is formed as a think tank which promotes and supports the enforcement of corporate patents, copyrights, and trade secrets.
An oil tanker sinks off the coast of France spilling 15,000 to 25,000 tonnes of oil.